My Modpack
As with many hobbies, years of doing the same activity the same way can become stale. And Mojang isn't in the business of doing anything it seems as evidenced by their frequency of updates or lack thereof.
So, I decided to spice up my minecraft experience by searching for a modpack to play. I explored modpacks such as 'Tekkit', 'Feed The Beast', and 'Enigmatica'. However, the sheer amount of content in the packs was too much for me to handle as a beginner in the modding scene. All of those modpacks have over 100 mods and many of them use outdated versions of Minecraft.
I was looking for a much newer experience on 1.20 and with a much more beginner friendly experience. So, what better way to get started than to make my own modpack that would suit my needs.
My Modpack has 53 mods that are focused on automation, optimization, and new experiences that arent too overbearing.
- Automation
- I wanted to focus on Automation as a big part of the game focuses around grinding for resources by hand. Which for someone who likes building such as me, is not something I want to dedicate several hours to. So I have included automation mods like 'The Thermal Series', 'Applied Energisitcs 2', and 'Computer Craft'. Of course, These mods don't just automate for free so many mods that produce Redstone Flux like 'Immersive Engineering' and 'Extreme Reactors' are included.
- Optimization
- Optimization should be a core focus when creating a modpack as Minecraft's rendering engine is very inefficient to say the least. I have included mods like 'Xenon' and 'Oculus' for better performance. The mod I am most impressed about is 'Distant Horizons' as it brings level of detail (LOD) to minecraft greatly increasing the perceived render distance.
- Fresh New Experiences
- Bringing a fresh new experience to minecraft can be hard when faced with so many intriguing mods. So I decided to go with a few that vastly change the world generation including biomes and dungeons, but not to the point where you have no idea what's going on. I wanted to create an experience where the player is motivated to go out exploring, and had to go a slight distance to reach a new Dungeon or Cave. Rather than walking 10 blocks and seeing a new different dungeon or cave mod that gives you protection IV equivalent god armor, I wanted to have a balanced experience that can net you some diamonds or iron if you make it all the way through a series of spawner rooms. And that is exactly what 'Valhesia' does. I have also included 'Biomes O' Plenty' and 'Alex's Caves' in order to change up the same old look of minecraft.
The only Prerequisites that are needed are a copy of Minecraft and the Forge Loader. Please click the link to download Forge if you do not have it already installed for 1.20.1
Unpack .jar or .zip contents into the corresponding files
The resource pack is optional, it just adds mob animations.
Unfortunately there is a small amount of configuring to do.
First launch Minecraft with the Forge installation in order to acquire your config files.
Go into your config folder; the path should be /C:/Users/.../AppData/Roaming/.Minecraft/config
For Distant Horizons to work: edit alexscaves-client.toml and change biome_ambient_light_coloring to false
For Immersive Engineering to work: edit immersiveengineering-client.toml and change enableVBO to false
If you decide to use shaders please note that you can only use supported shaders with Distant Horizons such as 'BSL' which is included with the modpack.
If you already have pre-installed mods make a backup of that mod folder!
Relaunch and you should be good to go! 😊